What is the maximum size file I can send?
A web browser can upload files up to 2 GB in size. However, web browsers aren't always effective at sending files larger than 200 MB; web browsers are better at downloading files. To send larger files, download and install the desktop software.
How many recipients can I send a file to at one time?
You can specify up to 20 recipients at once.
I just uploaded a large file, and I need to change or add a recipient email address. Do I need to upload the file again?
No. Go to the My Files tab, locate the file on the list, and click the FORWARD button. Enter the email address of the additional or corrected email addresses and click the send button.
If I need support, who should I contact?
Click on the Support tab at the top of every page for information how to get support.
How many files can I send each month? How much data can I send?
To check the limits on your account, sign into your accound and click on the My Account link at the top of any page.